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Thoughts in the night

Of a cul-de-sac I'd have once called my wife


Is this how legends are born

Annoying persistent

Unwilling to die and be forgotten


This ground looks familiar-

A night town full of dead end streets

It's just a reflection of the same old show

Midnight movie running in my heart

The screen is the empty shadow world

Hinting at ghosts

Silent echoes in my head

Ghosts don't die but some fade with time

Like streetlamps fade at the end of the night

Just before dawn

Making room for new arrivals


Curtains flutter in the dark behind unlit windows

Pale flashes like faces when there's nothing there

Just dust and memories


Of stillborn infant dreams to keep me company

Over and over again


Some of them look like people I've known

Some of them look like me

Sorrow the trait that links them all

For things that had been or will not come to be



Rumor has it that ghosts can only hurt you

If you let them within

I suppose it's true

But we can't be strong all of the time


On dead nights like these something wells up inside

And I want to shout and wake the living because I know

All you'll ever offer me is dead ends and wrong turns

And I'd spit in your eye or insult you

If I thought it would make a difference

But all I can do is move on

And try never to look back on



Thoughts in the night

Of a cul-de-sac I'd have once called my life


Is this how legends are born

Annoying persistent

Unwilling to die and be forgotten



G.S., 6/12/91


GS: guitar, vocals, slit drum, tambourine



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