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 23 tracks, 69 minutes

All sounds performed and arranged by Greg Segal. 

Instruments: electric guitars (6-string, 7-string, fretless), bass, acoustic and electric drums and percussion, recorders, bowed device, vocals, effects.

Music to hop epistemologies by.

 "It is here that the shaman differs so much from the ceremonial magician who believes that ceremony and ritual are essential to his craft. For the shaman they are merely useful. The term 'shamanic states' may be better described as 'frameworks of belief', with the understanding that shifting into different frameworks allows different potentials to manifest. Each framework constitutes a set of beliefs about reality....The shaman simply acknowledges a wider range of frameworks than most people do and is able to move among them at will....In addition, the shaman has the ability known in Hawaian as maka 'ike (literally 'knowing eye') which is being aware of the frameworks themselves."

- Serge King, "The Way of the Adventurer"  


read online reviews for this album at Improvijazzation Nation #65 & Aural Innovations


1. Calling 1

2. Spontaneous Knowledge

3. The Worlds Open

4. The Knowing Eye pt. 1

5. Moist Earth

6. Personal View #1

7. The Supernormal

8. The Knowing Eye pt. 2

9. Black Cavern River

10. The Lost Night

11. Soul Catcher

12. Calling 2

13. Personal View #2

14. The Knowing Eye pt. 3

15. What Is Seen

16. The Place Of Three Roads

17. The Knowing Eye pt. 4

18. Moist Earth 2

19. Return Of The Supernormal

20. Spontaneous Knowledge 2

21. Calling 3

22. Personal View #3

23. The Great Theta Drive 



Phantom Airship Records



